Our School
- Our School
- History of the School
- Vincentian Values
- Our Staff
- Admissions
- School Performance
- Policies
- Ofsted & Diocese Reports
- Governors
- Financial Information
- Safeguarding
- Rights Respecting
- Prevent Duty
- British Values
- International Dimension
- Pupil Premium
- Special Educational Needs (SEND)
- PE and Sport Premium
- Vacancies
- Hire of the School Premises
- Our School
- History of the School
- Vincentian Values
- Our Staff
- Admissions
- School Performance
- Policies
- Ofsted & Diocese Reports
- Governors
- Financial Information
- Safeguarding
- Rights Respecting
- Prevent Duty
- British Values
- International Dimension
- Pupil Premium
- Special Educational Needs (SEND)
- PE and Sport Premium
- Vacancies
- Hire of the School Premises
Welcome to St Vincent's Catholic Primary School
Ours is a popular primary school catering for pupils from the age of 5-11. The school is situated in the heart of Mill Hill, in North West London where we embrace all the opportunities and challenges that face people living and working in one of the world’s leading capital cities. We nestle between the thriving parishes of Sacred Heart in Mill Hill and St. Anthony’s in Edgware and we are together very much part of the Diocese of Westminster, working closely within it to deepen our understanding of our Catholic faith. We are also in the very privileged position of neighbouring Provincial House, home to the Daughters of Charity, St. Vincent’s own order of Sisters serving the poor around the world.
The community of governors, staff, parents and pupils are proud of our school’s outstanding records of achievement academically, socially, spiritually and culturally and work hard together to maintain that.
As Headteacher I am proud of the commitment, energy and kindness that is poured into day-to-day life at St. Vincent’s from all members of the school community acknowledging that it really does take input from the whole ‘village’ to raise just one child.
At St. Vincent’s we aim to nurture our children to strive for excellence in every aspect of their lives so that they will confidently make choices as individuals and succeed in making their contribution to society as skillful and well-balanced young people; so that they too will understand the great importance attached to belonging in happy, successful and caring communities.
We provide an exceptional experience at St. Vincent’s believing that children thrive in caring and intellectually stimulating environments and that with good measure of challenge, praise and encouragement they will take what they have learned to exercise wisdom, humility and compassion as they go on to make the world a better place.
Our school has a clear commitment to Catholic values where children grow fully in the love of God and in an atmosphere of love, trust and partnership with families and we welcome you to explore that further.

Marie Tuohy
“Caritas Christi Urget Nos –
The love of Christ urges us to care for each other and strive for excellence in everything we do.”