Upper Key Stage 2 began their new project last week based on the Vincentian Value, ‘We are compassionate, caring and loving’ and their driving question, ‘How can we be more compassionate, caring and loving towards others?’
The children were marched outside where drills were shouted out to them. Children were doing a variety of exercises such as burpees, push ups and squats whilst in lines in their classes.
We got the children to reflect on why they maybe did this. Tommy said, “I think we were like soldiers.”
Aiden responded, “Like soldiers in the war so we could see how they were feeling.”.
Tommy and Aiden were not wrong! We wanted the children to try and experience life as a solider for a short period of time and start the conversation about World War II. The entry event definitely triggered a huge conversation!
We are using the book, ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ where there have been bombing raids in London for months and siblings are evacuated. Keep an eye out on our blog posts to see where our project takes us next…